Even though I have written many times about authenticity, it's very difficult to define.
But often we know when we are presented with it.
Contrastingly, we know also when we are being bluffed, sold and lied to.
It seems to me, that when others require your compliance, be it for what they consider the greater good or indeed their own good, they are prepared to forgo their humanity.
The rules, bureaucracy take precedence.
When there is no sign of humanity in others, do you fight or do you comply?
This is something I wrestle with.
That part of me that wants to think it is the better, more humane, says let it slide. Then there is the part that says, fuck you pal. I'm not doing that.
I think there's a time to fight.
Sometimes our very humanity requires it.
I enjoy your insights from so far away. Thank you.
Many thanks for reading Vanessa!