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Are Robots Coming For Your Job?
I’m Larry Maguire, Work Psychologist. Every week in The Future of Work, I write about how technology is impacting leadership, motivation, and wellbeing in the workplace
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Here’s The Problem
Concisely as possible, this is the most significant contributing factor to humanity’s problems as far as I see it. We forgo our right to self-direction and determination and subjugate ourselves to the desires and whims of a few dominant others. These others are almost always men, and they are psychopathic. They are juvenile, narcissistic, and […]

Intelligence: You Either Have It, Or You Don’t
Intelligence, whatever way we wish to discuss it, is a highly-regarded faculty, but it’s problematic. Researchers consider the term intelligence to be too broad to be helpful in understanding human behaviour and personality. The word simply does not allow us to discuss the depth and breadth of human abilities–or indeed their growth and development–in any meaningful way. But that doesn’t stop people from using it to pigeonhole other people

Cursed With A Brain
I teach personality theory – identity, concepts of the self, individual differences, etc. As if these things we identify in ourselves and others really exist. There are many perspectives on personality: psychoanalytic (freud), humanistic (Maslow), Behaviourist (Skinner), Trait (Goldberg), Type (Jung), Evolutionary (Buss), and Neurological (Fisher), to name a few.