Running a business with multiple moving parts is different to being a craftsperson, artist, sole trader responsible for only yourself.
Although your craft is the reason the business exists, it often can become a victim to the demands of the business. Abstract elements such as staff management, marketing, sales, accounts and so on, become more important that the work itself.
This morning I got a call from a local charity, or rather an agent of a charity, to whom I make a monthly donation.
The woman on the other end told me she wasn't looking for a donation, she was just ringing to say thank you. I said ok, no problem. Then she went into her sales pitch.
I was furious.
This was the second call in three days. The last time I told her not to call me anymore, and three times previous to that.
Needless to say I stopped my donation.
When you hire people, be they direct employees, contractors or agents of some sort, be mindful that they must align with the ethos and culture you and your business represent.
This is especially so of customer-facing staff.
Don't take it for granted that their goals are the same as yours. If you do, it will be the sword upon which you and your business will fall.
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