What is it you want to say?
How do you want to say it?
Why bother?
I don't know. It's a compulsion, a curiosity. I want to know what's under the surface. It's a means of expression, an exploration of self, although I understand I can never find whatever it is I am looking for.
The answers, I find, are always short term, they never truly satisfy. Nobody's word is good enough. Well, maybe. For a short while. Then I need to dig deeper.
I think you should too.
I think most of us are looking for a calling, not a job. Most of us, like the assembly-line worker, have jobs that are too small for our spirit. Jobs are not big enough for people.
Studs Terkel, Working (1972)
Never settle for someone else's word on the matter, because they will disappoint you–ultimately.
Now, that doesn't mean we shouldn't invest in others. We should, but only in the short-term and only in the understanding that to whatever it was they committed, it will be undone at some point.
How does that translate to daily work?
Well, considering this thing we call work takes up at least 33% of our lives, should it not be a direct reflection of something deeper within us?
Should it not be an exploration and an uncovering of something hidden, perhaps forever elusive?
Change is growth. Stasis is death. Keep searching. Keep moving.
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