This is our reality, and our daily work is the primary means by which we pursue this elusive thing. We spend our best years in jobs we dislike or even hate (42% of people according to my research) in order to get enough money to buy a better life – but we never get there.
Maslow’s 16 Aspects of Peak Experience
Abraham H. Maslow, in his seminal paper A Theory of Human Motivation, said that man [human beings] is a perpetually wanting animal. There seems to be no denying this, and, in fact, it seems to be a fundamental basis for the growth of the species. In this mode of wanting, in our desire for more, to fill a psychological void, there is the prospect of achieving peak experience. Peak Experience is the seemingly seldom reached place where we may say that we have made it, if even for only a short period.
The 22 Self Disciplines of Buckminster Fuller
Self Disciplines of Buckminster Fuller In 1927, Buckminster Fuller found himself in financial ruin and personal turmoil. Five years earlier, his first child, Alexandra, has passed away aged four from spinal meningitis. Now his business had failed, leaving him broke with investors, his family and friends who invested in him, at a loss. He drank […]