The Pulitzer Prize-winning author writes on the turbulent writer’s mind, how coffee somehow helps, and the merit in serving an apprenticeship Annie Dillard first came to my attention several years ago when I came across the perhaps now over-played, yet accurate quote; “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives” […]
What Happens When We Die?
I was with my uncle yesterday – he loves to talk. We got chatting about work initially then the conversation moved to the question; what happens when we die? He’s in his late sixties I think. By no means old, but like my parents he believes it to be so. I think in our culture, as soon as grandchildren come alone we begin to feel our time is up. Why is that?
The Washerwoman
The Washerwoman is a little story about the friendship of two women at either ends of life and their conversation at the washing line one late Spring afternoon. It’s a little story of a realisation of greater things, a gentle reminder to ourselves of what often lies hidden in plain sight.
We Are On A Rock Spinning Silently
Here we are spinning silently through space on a corkscrew rollercoaster. On the grander scheme of the Universe, what goes on here is meaningless, at least that’s what some would have us believe. I prefer to take the polar opposite view that it is in fact the most spectacular and important show in all the Universe.
How To Get Happy: The Three Fundamental Rules
Everyone wants to be happy. Everyone wants to feel good. It’s the driving force behind everything anyone ever does in the world, period. Some of us get so caught up in things we don’t like, that we end up seeking happiness in the wrong places. Alcohol, drugs, cheap sex, speeding cars, fighting, confrontation. The problem […]