Running a business with multiple moving parts is different to being a craftsperson, artist, sole trader responsible for only yourself. Although your craft is the reason the business exists, it often can become a victim to the demands of the business. Abstract elements such as staff management, marketing, sales, accounts and so on, become more important that the work itself.
Why The Butcher Shop Closed
The butcher shop owner told my wife once that they just weren’t getting the footfall they needed to survive. He said he’d have to close down if things didn’t pick up. They obviously didn’t. But there’s so much the butcher shop could have done.
How Much Should I Charge For My Creative Work?
Well now, we’ve really come to the nub of it all, haven’t we… how much should I charge for this thing I’ve made or this service I provide? This is a real world, physical reality, get with the program kind of question that pretty much everyone asks at various points in their creative career.
Know Your Audience: Why You Need To Give People What They Want
So there I am, sitting quietly at the bar with my mate Tony, a fresh pint of Guinness sitting in front of me, anticipation for my first swallow building. The boozer is pretty much empty apart from a French couple and a scattering of Monday night locals. A nice few quiet pints and some light conversation is just what I’m after, but the peace and quiet is about to be broken.
SEO For Artists: How To Use On Page SEO To Get Found Online
So I mentioned On Page SEO above, so let’s talk about that. I don’t expect to rank for this article in Google because there’s far too much competition from well established sites that specialise in SEO. But I’ll do the basic on page SEO because it’s good practice and I’ve conditioned myself to do it.
The Flaw With Bigger Is Better Mentality
It’s my view that the more small scale producers and manufacturers of things who are operating in the locality, then the stronger our society and economy. Diversity is good. It allows people choice and helps communities grow and become self-sustaining. But alas that not how we do things.
Creativity And Business: Can They Coexist?
Most mornings I don’t know what to write about. This morning is one of those. I have a few ideas in my head jostling for position so the plan here is to just write and see where my mind and hands take me. Generally, I like to have the bones of a plan to work to, but sometimes it’s best to have a broad idea and just go with the flow.