Writer’s block is a self-created anxiety. It resides within the psychological structures of the mind and has no physical reality independent of that. Therefore, writer’s block is within our mental capacity to overcome, just as it was within our capacity to create. The fundamental cause of writer’s block is that the problem seems so real.
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A Writing Daily Routine
I’m about to move into writing full-time and for structure, I need a writing daily routine. I need a simple routine, something that’s realistic and doesn’t kill my enthusiasm for writing anytime soon – not that I believe it will. The reason for moving now? A big fat NO.
Reaction To The Artist’s Manifesto Plus All The Juice From Last Week
There’s been a very positive reaction to The Artist’s Manifesto released last week which is brilliant. I obviously want to reach people who feel the same as I do, but I’m careful not to get too hung up on reaction.
3 Cornerstone Traits Of The Successful Full Time Writer
What Does It Take To Become A Successful Full Time Writer? Truthfully, I don’t know… I’ll tell you when I get there. If you are like me, you sit alone at your computer every spare moment. Writing, researching, marketing, working on your site, trying to improve your process any way you can.
The Artist’s Manifesto
I am passionate about creativity and the importance of being true to our calling. As such I’ve written The Artist’s Manifesto as a call to arms to you and my fellow creative people to hold true to our creative integrity. It is a call to return to the place where we can begin to create again for all the right reasons, to follow our hearts instead of popular opinion.
Did They Say You’re Daydreaming Too Much? Read This
Did They Say You’re Daydreaming Too Much? When I sat down to write tonight it was not my intention to write about daydreaming. However, this book I’m reading by Ray Bradbury right now must be getting inside my head.
Memory Blocking: Why You Can’t Find Shit You Lost
So there I am, racking my brain, searching desperately the depths of my memory stores trying to bring up the location. Pulling things asunder, looking under beds, between books, Searching in places it could not have been in a million years! – My passport. “Damn it!