There’s a unique beauty in old things don’t you think? That quality that seems to be inherent in the thing you just can’t put your finger on. Old has character that’s been built up over time. It’s the scrapes and the dents, it’s the wear and tear of use and of service. This character just can’t be replicated through short-cuts no matter how clever we try to be.
Welcome to the article category society and culture. Read articles and essays on the the role of work in society and culture over the centuries
When Death Comes
It’s on the way for everything and everyone, that’s certain. In fact, to look at it as something that’s coming, as something that’s down the road is not accurate. In reality, it’s here already, present in every single moment of our lives. To separate it out from life is to not see the full picture.
The Unemployable Generation
Every generation has a subset of people who are unemployable, it’s not a recent phenomena. However I do believe it’s gaining ground. You don’t need to be a big shot entrepreneur, employing hundreds or thousands to qualify here. You just need to be willing to break out of the standard working model
What Is The Key To Happiness?
What Is The Key To Happiness and why are are so many of us looking for it? What’s so damn hard about being happy? Well maybe the answers are closer than we think. This world we live in is full of noise and distraction. The lure of bright shiny things can be great fun but it keeps us from the truth.
Do We Have Free Will?
I used to believe that there was no question of us having free will. We had a choice and that was that. The deterministic view of the universe didn’t get an ounce of time in my mind. You see I thought I knew what I knew. Now I know I know fuck all.
Are You Feeling A Lack Of Time? Here’s Why
Do You Feel A Lack of Time? I think most of us in the western world feel time shortage pressures. A lack of time seems to go hand in hand with how we live. It’s strange though, we all get this feeling of a lack of time yet we can never really see it or feel it. Time is intangible yet we think we experience it.
Stupid Economics! Plus All The Juice From Last Week
Economics are game ball, I accept the relevance of economic sciences especially that in relation to the study of human behaviour. After all, economics is psychology playing out in global and national societies. It just that our over reliance on the opinion of economists is driving our society deeper into dysfunction. Stupid economics kills people.