Larry G. Maguire
MSc. Org Psych., BA (hons) Psych., M.Ps.S.I., M.A.C., R.Q.T.U.
I'm a work & org psychologist, writer and researcher. From an academic base in psychology and 20+ years in business, I aim to assist workers, the self-employed, executives and organisations to find clarity and direction in daily work.
My Professional Work
I'm a work and organisational psychologist specialising in the behaviour and performance of people and organisations at work. I work with individuals and teams on leadership, culture, and performance with the ultimate aim of helping people find clarity and direction in their daily work. My work is vocational, and I believe that everyone has the right to engage in meaningful and fulfilling work. If you are stressed and at odds with your work, or you are ambitious and goal-oriented, I may be able to assist you. Book a private session with me.
I hold a first-class honours degree in psychology from DBS Dublin and an MSc. Work & Organisational Psychology from DCU Business School. I am a peer-reviewed author, graduate member of the Psychological Society of Ireland and the Association for Coaching. Outside official programs and CPD, I work with clients and research and write on expertise, creativity, behaviour and performance.
My background is in SME business and endurance sport, so I work best with business owners, executives, athletes, and the self-employed. My theoretical perspective is person-centred and includes psychodynamic, cognitive behavioural, and positive psychological approaches helping you develop and refine the psychological skills necessary to function and deliver your best under pressure.
My business career began at 25 and spans 20+ years in the construction and service industries, working with national and international clients. In sport, I've been a committed amateur in the GAA since I was a child. After I became too slow, I took up extreme endurance running, completing over 80 marathons and ultra events. Today I run and attend CrossFit for health and fitness.
I work with individuals and teams in career and business, exploring the psychological processes influencing the individual and collective behaviour and performance. Whether you are an experienced business owner, corporate executive, manager, or career professional, I can help you develop the mental skills to succeed and find clarity & direction in your career and work.
Specialist Areas
- Executive Coaching
- Career Coaching
- Team Coaching
- Performance
- Leadership & Culture
- Motivation, Values & Goal-Setting
- Workplace Well-being Talks & Training
Degrees & Certificates
MSc. Work & Organisational Psychology DCU
BA (hons) Psychology DBS
Cert. Psychometric Test User: Occupational, Ability and Personality BPS
Cert. Assist. Psychometric Test User: Occupational, Ability and Personality BPS
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy – ACT in Practice Steven C. Hayes, PhD
What You Can Expect From Me
I spend most of my time thinking about the human relationship with daily work, and the content you'll read here mostly reflects that inquiry. I write essays and produce audio on this topic weekly on Sunday Letters which you can subscribe to here. I have also created a discussion forum here where you can join and engage with other like-minded people.
The Sunday Letters Podcast
The podcast follows the newsletter content and goes out weekly. For paying supporters of Sunday Letters, bonus episodes go out mid-week. Listen and learn more about the podcast here.

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Get In Touch
If you're having a difficult time at work, feeling stressed and unfulfilled, or you are ambitious and have goals you wish to achieve, get in touch with me below.